
신호 온도 압력교정기 MicroCal TCS 650 신품 가격 제품정보

거친손 2015. 12. 10. 01:04

안녕하세요 산업기계 매매, 가격 정보를 전문으로 소개하는 거친손의 산업포탈 입니다.
신호 온도 압력교정기 특성상 공급이 원할하지 못할 수 있으며 이미 팔린 경우도 있습니다.
이점 유념해 주시길 바라며 너그러이 이해해 주시길 부탁 드립니다.
압력교정기 매매 목록 입니다. 찾고계신 물건과 일치 할 수 있도록 더욱더 노력 하겠습니다.

All the three available models are fast, high stability and uniformity, easy to use temperature calibrators.

The temperature parameter represents the most important factor to fulfill quality, operational safety and reliability of industrial processes. 

Thermocouples, RTDs and any other temperature sensors, when installed in an industrial process, they are subjected to mechanical, thermal and chemical stresses which accelerate their aging. 

Therefore it is a recommended procedure to inspect, check and calibrate each sensor during the commissioning phase and at regular and programmed time intervals.

MicroCal TCS temperature source find applications in checks and calibration of: Thermocouples, Resistance thermometers, Temperature transmitters, thermostats, glass thermometers, and NTC/PTC.

The MicroCal TCS650 portable medium temperature (35°C Ta to +650°C) source offers fast temperature calibration and high stability.

The temperature controlled allows very fast temperature stabilization and high stability.

The standard configuration includes the 6 holes 140mm deep metal block insert.

제품번호 : 264899

기본사양 : MicroCal TCS 650


판매금액 : 가격협의

제품분류자동화/전기.전자/계측장비 > 계측/측정장비








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