
데이타로거 FieldLogger NOVUS 데이터로거

거친손 2013. 4. 12. 13:06


Maker : NOVUS Automation Inc.

FieldLogger is a versatile, powerful  and yet cost effective data logger handling analog, digital and other types of variables with high resolution and speed. It is a high performance and high connectivity equipment and yet easy to configure and operate.

It has 8 configurable analog inputs that can read thermocouples, Pt100, Pt1000, voltage and current signals. It also has 2 relay outputs and 8 digital ports individually configurable as inputs or outputs.

Up to 128 mathematical channels can be used to perform operations on the measured values. Up to 32 alarm events can be detected, allowing output activations, e-mails and SNMP traps sending.

※ 기본사양 : 8Ch,온도측정및저장,분석장치
※ 판매금액 : 협상 

매물분류 : 전기/전자/계측장비 > 온습도계 
제조일자 : 미상  
제조사 : NOVUS 
위치 : 전체 
가격할부 : 불가능  
인도조건 : 없음  
매물상태 : 신품

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